- Dyed-in-the-wool LinU(ni)x enthusiast
- Solaris
- Windows Server 2012R
- More than 20 years of practical experience in the implemantation of major software projects in heterogeneous IT environments.
- Deutsche Bank
- AVC Deutschland
- Deutsche Börse
- Airbus
- Dresdner Bank
- Siemens Nixdorf
- Mannesmann Dematic
- Extremely fast familiarization
- Preferred progamming languages: C/C++ (15+ years of experience), some Java, J2EE (4 years).
- Genuine shell scripting professional with all that goes along with it (sed, awk etc.), also Perl.
- Datenbases: Oracle, Informix, SQL.
- Technical project management
- Software architectures und software design, OOA and OOD
- High Performance Computing (HPC), system optimization
- Interface design, software adaption, integration
- Qualitiy assurance, configurations and change management, build environment, packaging
- Firewall architectures, paket filters and IDS
- Encryption methods, cryptography, public key infrastructures
- Inter-process communication, multi-threading
- System programming, IP, UDP, TCP, Multicast
- 01/2015 till now: AVC Deutschland
- Technical focal points, tools:
- SuSeLinux, Windows Server R2 (standard/data center)
- HyperV, Exchange Server 2013, Apache
- Remote desktop services
- Remote access
- Shell programming: shell, bash, ksh, sed, awk, perl ...
- Security firewall
- Microsoft project, Enterprise Architect
- Project management for server migration and virtualization
- Replacing an existing server infrastructure with new hardware.
- Enhanced flexiblization through the virtualization of existing server components.
- Introduction of remote desktop services (25 remote locations).
- Analysis, assembly and acquisition of new hardware.
- Migration path planning and implementation/last and performance test/rollout.
- Coaching and support.
- Administration/Operating.
- 10/2017 to 09/2020: Deutsche Bank AG
- Technical focal points, tools:
- Git, Apache
- Shell, awk, sed, ksh, bash, perl
- Websphere MQ, Weblogic,Tomcat
- Oracle PLSQL
- Certificates, PKI
- Build and Deployment, Middleware configuration and CCM
- Automation of the deployment process.
- Support Middleware configuration.
- Certificate administration.
- Organization and implementation of the migration process from SVN to Git.
- 07/2015 to 08/2017: Deutsche Börse AG
- Technical focal points, tools:
- RHEL 7.1/Solaris
- Git, GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, Apache
- Shell, awk, sed, ksh, bash, perl
- mysql
- C/C++
- make, build and deployment, CCM
- Git Migration Project Managment
- Partitioning/assembly of a complex server application.
- Project planning and execution of git migration from PVCS source repository.
- Source code migration.
- Design and implementation of the development, build and deployment process.
- Creation of a script-based framework for the above mentioned processes, including CCM.
- 05/2012 to 09/2014: Deutsche Bank AG
- Technical focal points, tools:
- Veritas cluster
- Tivoli Workload Scheduler
- Java, J2EE, JMS, JDBC
- Weblogic, Apache, Tomcat
- Shell programming: shell, bash, ksh, sed, awk, perl ...
- Unix/Linux, Solaris, AIX, SLES, RHEL
- IP, UDP, TCP, multi-threading
- Oracle SQL
- Microsoft Project, Enterprise Architect
- Certificate Management CERTDB
- Servicing, maintenance and the further development of a web application for the administration of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) certificates.
- The system-wide administration of certificate meta data according to application, environment (for example test, production ...), location (server, keystore) and point of contact, as well as the updating of the certificates
- Database update through the use of automated intermittent scanning on the target systems
- Monitoring and notification in the event of expiring certificates
- SQL programming for reporting and database maintenance
- Updating certificates, manually as well as with CertNanny
- Support for SSL problems, research and configuration
- Configuration, Packaging and Deployment of J2EE Applications
- Adaption of the build and packaging process
- Implementing configuration modifications for middleware
- Build and deployment of the applications, release change
- Tool Support and Shell Scripting
- Development of technical tools, scripts for the nightly batch, operations monitoring
- Research and second-level support
- Support for data transfer AIMA (AI2)
- Deputy Team Leader
- Organization, planning, consulting and support
- 01/2005 to 01/2012: Deutsche Börse System AG
- Technical Focal Points:
- C/C++, stl, Cstd and stlport, 32 and 64 bit
- Java
- Shell programming: shell, bash, ksh, sed, awk, perl ...
- SUN, Unix, Oracle PL, SQL
- SUN/GNU make
- IP, UDP, TCP, Multicast
- Multithreading, Solaris 7-10
- High Performance Computing (>100000 msg/sec, latency 2 ms)
- IPC (Inter Process Communication), Sockets, Synchronisation ...
- Porting, system programming
- Real Time Feed - CEF ®, RTR, FIX, Quickfix Engine, FAST 1.5, XFI, SIBE, MEFF Gate, RDMS, ...
- Development of Technical Software and Tools
- Integration of external tools (cppunit, quickfix ...)
- Scripting for operations monitoring and control
- Development of a gateway framework for accessibility to external heterogeneous proprietary systems to CEF ®
- Development of a framework for regression testing
- Development of client applications for data acquisition from CEF ®
- Development of an API for FAST
- Development of a runtime environment
- Migration Solaris -> Red Hat Enterprise Server 6.x
- The objective was to develop and operate the existing software on both operating systems at the same time. Tasks:
- Determination and implementation of the migration path for version management
- Adaptation of the build process
- Carrying out of necessary software adaptations
- Modification of diverse scripts for batch processing and operational control
- Eurex REPO - Feed Handler
- Integration of the interface for "REPO Index GC Pooling" (market data, quotes and trades), connectivity to CEF ®.
- MNI (Market Data International) "The Mainwire" - Connectivity to CEF ®
- Development of a gateway for data capture and feeding to CEF ®. Synchronization of newcasts from various input cannels,
Failover Management as well as holiday processing.
- SIBE - Connectivity to CEF ®
- Development of the basic functionality, building upon this, the implementation of feed handlers for equities, warrants, certificates and fixed income from the "Spanish Stock Exchange Interconnection System". Depicted were:
- Master data management
- Trades and trade cancelation
- Order Book Market Depth (20)
- Index Information
- VAP (Value Added Processing)
- Automated Installation and Patch Procedure in a Cluster Group
Development of a shell-based framework for the automated installation of CEF ® as well as system update using patches including rollback.
- RFA (Reuter's Foundation API) Integration
- A gateway process was developed for the changeover from SSL to RFA, which decoupled the processing system (CEF ®) from Reuter's backend and handled "Reuters Data Marketfeed" market data for input using the CEF ® Feed Handler.
- Value Added Processing for Realtime Analytics
- The market data was analyzed in real time and enhanced
with the corresponding indices:
- Put-Call Ratio
- Dividend Yield
- Sliding VWAP
- Mid Prices
- Time-weighted Average Spread
- ...
- Software Production Environment
- Within the context of further development efforts and the adaption of new hardware, the existing SPU was augmented and made more flexible. The build can be for 32 and/or 64 bit using various compilers and operating systems.
- 08/2004 to 01/2005: Aeronautics, Airbus
- Implementation of a library for caching and the synchronized access for EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) memory.
- Implementation of a processor communication library (mini TCP stack) for cabin inter-communication data system directors for the Airbus A380.
- Security levels B, C and D corresponding to the RTCA/DO 178B classification
- Development with embedded C
- shell, awk etc.
- Artisan, ClearCase, DOORS, CleraQuest
- VXWorks, RTOS
- WINNT, cygwin
- Verified's RT-Tester Environment
- 07/2004 bis 07/2004: Aviation, Airbus
- Development of a tool for the automatic generation of C source code for embedded software development.
- Interface development
- Perl, shell, sed, gnu C/C++, cygwin
- 11/2003 to 03/2004: Warehouse management, IT service provider
- System programming with C/C++, Java, MQM, JMS.
- Backend connectivity of a warehouse management system via MQM
- Oracle
- Definition of the interfaces
- Implementation in C++ and Java
- Linux (SuSE), Solaris
- shell, Perl
- 04/2003 to 09/2003: Space industry, EADS
- System programming with C/C++, Solaris 9.
- SUN Cluster 3.0, creation of master process (C++)
- Starting, stopping, and operational control of C/C++ and Java applications
- Design and integration of a runtime environment (Kornshell, awk, sed etc.)
- Inter-process communication, multithreading etc.
- JBuilder, XML, GNU Buildsystem, Rational Rose, ClearCase
- 1999 to 2003: Accompanying activities and diverse seminars
- Seminar leader and lecturer on the following topics:
- Software Engineering
- Process definition and process improvement in software development
- Internet firewalls, firewall techniques and firewall architecture
- Design, set up and operation of packet filter systems
- Relational data bases, design and optimization ERM
- Software development C/C++
- 01/2003 to 02/2003: Warehouse management, IT service provider
- Porting of an interface for host connectivity from NT to Solaris
- Data transition of master data to the host with MQM
- Implementation of existing interface with C/C++
- 2002 to 2003: Diverse
- Conceptualization, set up and operation of Linux-based firewalls for KMUs.
- 1999 to 2002: Dresdner Bank
- Platforms: SUN Solaris, Linux, W2000, HPUX, AIX, SCO, SINIX, Windows NT.
- Tools/IS: Rational Rose, Visual Age, Java, GNU Tools, shell, WebSphere,
MQ Series, Tivoli, Informix, MS Project.
- Database: Informix.
- Administration of HPUX, SUN.
- Subproject: Host connectivity, data transition, Java, C++.
- JBuilder 6.0
- MQ Series
- Informix
- Subproject: Maintenance and advancement of an interface between a Voice Response Unit and a database server (SUN Solaris).
- C/C++, ESQL, Informix, process management
- The connection was implanted using native sockets
- Inter-process communication using MQ and SHM
- Subproject: Design, development and maintenance of Dresdner Bank backend applications.
- Subproject: Technical project management, outsourcing PIN and TAN printing.
- Interface and backend processing design (SUN Enterprise E10K)
- Specification and coordination of procedures with the external service provider.
- Implementation of interfaces using C/C++ and Java for the various applications.
- Test and Integration.
- Subproject: Porting and migration of a complex client-server application from HPUX to SUN Solaris.
- Executing the migration of a Dresdner Bank multi-channel data server from an HPUX cluster to a SUN cluster.
- Organization and execution of the migration process in the software sector.
- Ensuring the host connection over the MQ Series (C/C++, ESQL, Informix), securing CCM.
- Subproject: Connecting the enterprise backend systems to a client-server application used for securities trading in the Internet.
- Analysis of the current functionality.
- Interface definition in accordance with technical specifications.
- Interface implementation at the backend side (C/C++, ESQL, Java).
- Subproject: Implementation of encryption algorithms (Java, C/C++).
- Connecting an existing authentication infrastructure with a web frontend.
- Subproject: Implementation of configuration and change management software.
- Setting up of a software production environment (SPU) for HPUX, AIX and SUN.
- Integration of Continuus for configuration and change management.
- Subproject: Authentication and authorization process under NT.
- Implementation of a logon process using dual-control - or the four-eye-principle - under NT as well as an authentication process after successful authorization (Visual C/C++, MFC).
- 1998 bis 1999: Telecommunication, Siemens
- Project: Exception handling in a distributed application.
- Platforms: Solaris, HPUX, AIX, SINIX, WINNT.
- Tools: Rational Rose.
- Design and development of C++ exception handling in a distributed application within a WAN.
- Development and implementation of an automated process for generating the notification catalogue using the existing software.
- Integration of NLS.
- 1998: Logistics, Mannesmann Dematic
- Project: Porting of technical software from Unix to NT (C/C++).
- The existing software for SINIX, AIX, HPUX was ported to NT.
- Design of the production software environment.
- Analysis, design and implementation of necessary changes for inter-process communication on the new target platform.
- Process administration, MQ, SHM, sockets, asynchronous control of serial interfaces, etc.
- 1997: Warehouse, motor pool
- Project: OOD of an interface for access to Btrieve databases in C/C++.
- Platforms: Novell Netware 4.x and 3.5, DOS, OS2, Windows NT.
- Tools: Rational Rose.
- The development took place both in and out-house. The main focus was on access simplification for the various platforms.
- 1995 bis 1996: Warehouse, motor pool
- Project: Implementation of an interface for radio control of lift trucks in a storage system using C/C++.
- Platforms: Novell Netware 3.x and 4.x.
- Tools: Visual C, Watcom.
- Development of a data concentrator for commissioning. The emphasis was on transport optimization and the optimal use of existing storage capacities. The project was executed using C/C++ under WINNT in a Novell netware environment.